Our Tot Beginner Program is specifically designed for pre-school through 1st grade aged children. We work with your children to develop better balance, strength, and coordination. In addition to this, we strive to show every student the value of self control, respect for others, and self discipline in an atmosphere that is both motivation and fun. As your student earns their next belts and awards as they progress through the curriculum they begin to establish a habit of goal setting and achievement.
Tot Class Schedule
Monday 5:30-6pm
Friday 4-5:30pm
Saturday 12-12:30pm
Ages 4-6
Our Junior Beginner Program is specifically designed for Elementary to Middle school children. By attending classes, your child will develop better balance, strength, and coordination. In addition to this, the program focuses on the values of self control, respect for others, and self discipline in an atmosphere that is both motivating and fun. Students earn colored belts and other awards as they progress through the curriculum, establishing a habit of goal setting and achievements.
Junior Class Schedule
Tuesday 4-4:45pm
Thursday 5-5:45pm
Saturday 12:45-1:30pm
Ages 7-15
With this program we focus on increasing your physical heath along with learning to keep yourself safe. We work on a multitude of techniques to help you to have the tools for whatever situation may arise. Our dojo is a safe and fun place to learn in. An added benefit if you have a child in our program as well is you both learn the same basic material so you will be able to help and practice at home together.
Adult Class Schedule
Tuesday 5:45-6:45pm
Thursday 6:15-7:15pm
Ages 16+
Full Membership- Can participate in any 2 group classes per week. Any specialty classes are not included under this membership and will be an additional cost.
Single Member:
$110 / month + $60 Registration Fee(One time payment)
$560 / 6 months
$1150 / year
Family Discounts: All Students must be members of the same house hold & enrolled with full memberships. The discount applies to that member.
2nd member: $10 discount
3rd member: $20 discount
4th member: Free with no other discounts
Limited Membership- These members can paricipate in ONLY 1 group class per week to. These members do not count towards the Family Discounts.
$75 / month + $60 Registration Fee(One time payment)
Missed Class Policy
There is no reimbursement for missed classes, this includes snow days and holidays. If you miss a class one week, you may attend an extra class the next. If you miss 3 or more classes, in a row, you may then ask to schedule a personal lesson to make up for the lost classes. There are two weeks a year the school is closed, 1 week for the winter holidays and 1 week for summer vacation. These two weeks do NOT count towards missed class time.
Extra Membership & Programs
Black Belt Club Membership
What is the Black Belt Club?
The Black Belt Club (BB Club) is a program open to Purple belts and higher designed to maximize their martial arts experience and help them to achieve black belt sooner. Students who are firmly committed to achieving their black belts and are willing to train consistently throughout the year are good candidates for this program.
Benefits of joining Black Belt Club
· This program is designed to help improve your student(s) proficiency with their skills and techniques.
· The program will assist them on their journey to Black Belt.
· Joining will help them to learn and remember their material better as well as improve their proficiency.
· It will also provide your student(s) with access to other groups such as S.T.O.R.M. Team & Demo Team,
along a 50% discount for weapon classes & graduation fees.
· All participants in BB Club will also receive a new special uniform.
· Students will be eligible to attend 1 extra group class and 1 personal lesson per week.
To join BB Club a student must show the drive and determination to earn their Black Belt.
There is an initial buy-in Fee as well as an additional monthly fee added to the students tuition.
Super Team of Role Models
S.T.O.R.M. Team is a qualified, small population of students who are a part of our dojo’s leadership curriculum and are in search of increased understanding and application of karate. They possess &/or desire the type of leadership traits needed to become leaders in everything they do. They have aspirations to become Assistant Instructors, Instructors, camp counselors, student leaders, and more!
To Become a STORM Team Member students must do the following:
· Show a willingness to learn.
· Be a good example of the 3 Rules: Self Control, Self Discipline & Respect.
· Hold a rank of Blue w/ Stripe or higher.
· Participate in at least 6 STORM Team Meetings a year (50% of total meetings held).
· Read and Sign the STORM Agreement.
· If a student isn’t a part of Black Belt Club, they will have to purchase a BB Club uniform.
Perks of joining:
· Learning leadership skills that can be used anywhere.
· Will assist with the instruction of junior classes.
· Can ask for reference letters for other jobs or college resumes.
· Once students are proficient enough and shows the ability to teach on their own, and once they are at least 16 yrs. old, they can be paid for their time assisting .
· Teaching helps to remember & understand your own material better.
This comprehensive set of experiences will aid STORM members in equipping them
for personal and academic success….and beyond!
What is the Purpose of the STORM Team: The STORM Team is intended to develop, motivate, and reward students from age 8 thru adult who have excellent attitudes in and out of the Dojo. This program will develop STORM Team students / Black Belts towards higher levels of leadership and Martial Arts excellence as they prepare to become instructors at The Family Dojo.
The Leadership Curriculum is what we do during our STORM Team meeting. At these monthly meetings we practice the different skills and techniques need for teaching martial arts.
There is no cost to join STORM Team!
Demo Team
Demo Team is a group of students that work hard to coriograph and perform demonstrations
at different events and fairs.
Being a part of Demo Team is a fun experience where the students get to work together and be creative.
To be on the Demo Team the students have to show their knowledge of the techniques or skills that they
want to show to the crowd. As well as be able to work with others in a perdunctive manner.